Two elder and younger brothers story divided the property but couldn't divide their lovely cow

A long time ago, three brothers lived in a poor village. After their father's death, all three brothers decided to divide the property of their father into three halves. All of them agreed with that. They were grown men. To marry and see their own family they were dividing the property to live their solo life. They had broken houses and many lands.

They decided to sell all that land and move to the city. But the middle child refused that, he wanted to live in his birthplace. He wanted to live in that village house. After the eldest one concluded, he divided the property. The middle one got the house and a few lands. The remaining lands were taken by the eldest and youngest. They decided to sell that land and move to the city. After a few days, they sold that and moved to the city.

Now middle brother was alone. He had bathhouses but he was lonely. So, he planned to get married. After a month, he did arrange marriage. He was happy in his life. He was satisfied with his decision to have a house where he could look forward to his own family. After one year, he had a son. He was living a beautiful life with his wife and his son. After one year of his first child, he had another son. Now he had two sons. He was happy to know his family was completed.

The eldest and youngest brothers were very similar. They were very similar physically. But the eldest one was much lazy and greedy. Whereas the youngest one was kind, polite and hardworking. They were very happy to go with their father field where he worked. They had small cows which they always took out for walks and to feed them. They loved that cow so much as that cow was as small as them.

One day two brothers' mother died because of a fever. She didn't get any medicine at the time. They were villagers. They believed that their mother would be cured by a diviner. But it was a fever and she died. Their father was so numb at that time. He couldn't hide his tears and cried. He started to say, oh my dear, we promise for forever and ever but now you left me alone in this cruel world. You were the only one who loved me and took care of me. He couldn't bear that pain.

He was so sad that he didn't even want to survive. One day he got so sick because he didn't eat and sleep properly after his wife passed away. He was suffering from mental illness as well as physical illness. But their son was much aware this time that only the doctor could save him now. Younger children went to call doctors and the eldest one stayed with his father there. When the youngest child brought the doctor to the house, his father had already passed away.

They couldn't bear that pain as their father was their supporter and he was the backbone of the family. They already lost their Mother and now their father had gone too. The eldest one said, before our father died he told us to live together. He told us that life would be much easier if we lived together, and shared our pain and joy. After one year of their father's death. They decided to start their life. They decided to have their own family.

Both of them married to their lovers. All four people started to live in that house. Because of many misunderstandings, ding they divided the property and started to live their own life. They have only one house, so they divided that one house into two pieces. They had four lands, they divided that in two each. But they had only one cow. Both of them loved that cow so much as they grew up with that cow.

One old man came to their house and said, Divide the cow from the body to head and body to tail and take one part. The eldest one was lazy and greedy, he took the body to tail cause from body to tail he would get milk and cow dung for farming. The youngest one had no choice left he took the part head to the body where he needed to feed that cow and took him out from the walk. The youngest one always carried huge amounts of grass for cows. And took cow a for a walk.

Whereas the oldest one always got milk and cow dung from the farmer. The oldest one became much stronger and his land was filled with vegetables whereas the younger brother was sad cause he worked so hard for the land and for carrying the grasses but he got nothing. One day he decided not to feed the cow and not to take the cow for a walk. After that cow stopped giving milk and cow dung. The eldest one was lazy so he said sorry to his youngest brother and told him, let's both divide our lovely cow. Let's both of us work and get benefits of everything.

After that, both of them divided the work and again reunited the house and that lovely cow. They both worked and got benefits equally. After that they remember what their father said, he already told them that they should live together. Life will be much easier if they live together and share their pain and joy. They got emotional and promised each other to always stay together.

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