A long time ago there was one biggest castles which was made of gold. It was so shiny and mind-blowing. The queen and king lived there. They lived there with their courtiers. They had no child. They were trying for a child so long but it wasn't working for them. They knew there was one magical unicorn in the forest. If they will make a wish in front of that unicorn then they will have a baby. So both the king and queen went to the forest alone. They were searching for that magical unicorn. After searching for a long time, they saw a unicorn sleeping underneath the tree.

They decided to wait there until the unicorn woke up. After a while unicorn woke up. They saw unicorn was hungry. The king and queen gave that unicorn so fruits to eat. Unicorn was impressed. Unicorn said, what did ask The queen and king got down on their knees and sought the aid unicorn, we always wanted a child, but after trying many times, we still had no child. So please bless us with the child. Unicorn said don't worry dear, you will have a baby girl after nine months till then take care of yourself.
They were very happy to know that they would have a child now. They went back to the castle. They were very excited about it. After one month, news came out that the queen was pregnant. The whole castle celebrated it so well. After nine months queen finally gave birth to the baby girl. They named her Pearl. She was so pretty that he raised her as a prince, not a princess. King taught her to fight with swords. King taught her to ride the horse. King taught her to learn self-defense and much more things.
Princess Pearl was so brave and intellectual. After many years, Princess Pearl was grown up. She was twenty years old. The king and queen were so proud of her. King became old, he wasn't able to do things like he used to do. He just sat on the throne and took a rest. He was much worried thinking who would run this castle after his death. One day the news came in, that the neighbor king was planning to destroy their kingdom. They got the news. They didn't have much army to fight with that neighbor's king's army.
King was very worried and said I will go to Tom's kingdom. He defines defi us as his army to fight with. He was coughing. Princess Pearl heard that and said no Dad, I will go to Tom's uncle's kingdom. I will bring an army for us. Queen said yeah we trust you, princess, go and bring the armies. She went to bring armies to Uncle Tom's kingdom. While she was passing through the forest, one man stopped her and said, there was one big female dragon who was always furious. She will eat you alive. But she said, no sir, I'm much braver than anything in this world. Now my kingdom is in danger so I need to go.
She went further and saw one cave. That cave was burning because of the fire dragon's mouth. She went inside the cave and gave flowers to the dragon. Dragon was so impressed and said, you are brave like me. I'm impressed. And princess replied, yes I am. And I know you are brave too. You are living here with your kids alone. You are much more powerful than me. Princess requested her to be princess friend. Dragon was very impressed and gave her one sweet potato. Princess ate that and slept.
The next morning, she said goodbye to the dragon and promised that she would return after two days to meet her. She went towards Uncle Tom's kingdom. When she reached there, she found Uncle Tom was smiling a lot. She said, Uncle Tom, our kingdom is in danger. We need your armies. Can I take them with me? Uncle Tom laughed and said, I'm also joined with your enemies. In this world, your dad had the biggest kingdom. My neighbor's king wanted to destroy it for a long time. And now you are in front front of me. He kept on laughing. He told his army to put her in prison.
After two days, the dragon was looking for the princess. She promised that but she didn't return. She went to search for the princess. While she was flying high, she saw one prison which was on the top of the castle. She saw a princess there. Dragon rushed in and took out the princess from there. Princess sat on her back and got inside Tom's Kingdom. She burned all the kingdom. They put them down on their knees. Tom lost his kingdom. He said he would help to fight against their enemies.
Tom and their enemies went to Pearl's kingdom. Pearl came back sitting on the dragon's back. The king and queen were so proud of her. While fighting Tom and his maximum armies were dead. Everyone ran away while fighting. Only the dragon, princess and chief army were fighting. They won that battle as the dragon burned most of the enemies. She was so proud of the dragon and that chief army. She thanked the dragon a lot. Because of her, they won that battle. The king and queen were also impressed by the chief army. He was continuously fighting that battle. King said, for saving our kingdom what do you want in return? He said I don't want any gold or castle in return. Princess was so brave and kind. I want a life partner like her. I want to marry her. Princess smiled and said it will be my honor to marry you cause you fought against all when every other army ran away. I also want a brave husband like you. King was happy to know that there would be someone who would look up to the kingdom after he died. After that, they got married. Princess promised Dragon that she would always be there for her. After that dragon went back to her cave and grew flowers all over that cave which was given by Pearl.

They decided to wait there until the unicorn woke up. After a while unicorn woke up. They saw unicorn was hungry. The king and queen gave that unicorn so fruits to eat. Unicorn was impressed. Unicorn said, what did ask The queen and king got down on their knees and sought the aid unicorn, we always wanted a child, but after trying many times, we still had no child. So please bless us with the child. Unicorn said don't worry dear, you will have a baby girl after nine months till then take care of yourself.
They were very happy to know that they would have a child now. They went back to the castle. They were very excited about it. After one month, news came out that the queen was pregnant. The whole castle celebrated it so well. After nine months queen finally gave birth to the baby girl. They named her Pearl. She was so pretty that he raised her as a prince, not a princess. King taught her to fight with swords. King taught her to ride the horse. King taught her to learn self-defense and much more things.
Princess Pearl was so brave and intellectual. After many years, Princess Pearl was grown up. She was twenty years old. The king and queen were so proud of her. King became old, he wasn't able to do things like he used to do. He just sat on the throne and took a rest. He was much worried thinking who would run this castle after his death. One day the news came in, that the neighbor king was planning to destroy their kingdom. They got the news. They didn't have much army to fight with that neighbor's king's army.
King was very worried and said I will go to Tom's kingdom. He defines defi us as his army to fight with. He was coughing. Princess Pearl heard that and said no Dad, I will go to Tom's uncle's kingdom. I will bring an army for us. Queen said yeah we trust you, princess, go and bring the armies. She went to bring armies to Uncle Tom's kingdom. While she was passing through the forest, one man stopped her and said, there was one big female dragon who was always furious. She will eat you alive. But she said, no sir, I'm much braver than anything in this world. Now my kingdom is in danger so I need to go.
She went further and saw one cave. That cave was burning because of the fire dragon's mouth. She went inside the cave and gave flowers to the dragon. Dragon was so impressed and said, you are brave like me. I'm impressed. And princess replied, yes I am. And I know you are brave too. You are living here with your kids alone. You are much more powerful than me. Princess requested her to be princess friend. Dragon was very impressed and gave her one sweet potato. Princess ate that and slept.
The next morning, she said goodbye to the dragon and promised that she would return after two days to meet her. She went towards Uncle Tom's kingdom. When she reached there, she found Uncle Tom was smiling a lot. She said, Uncle Tom, our kingdom is in danger. We need your armies. Can I take them with me? Uncle Tom laughed and said, I'm also joined with your enemies. In this world, your dad had the biggest kingdom. My neighbor's king wanted to destroy it for a long time. And now you are in front front of me. He kept on laughing. He told his army to put her in prison.
After two days, the dragon was looking for the princess. She promised that but she didn't return. She went to search for the princess. While she was flying high, she saw one prison which was on the top of the castle. She saw a princess there. Dragon rushed in and took out the princess from there. Princess sat on her back and got inside Tom's Kingdom. She burned all the kingdom. They put them down on their knees. Tom lost his kingdom. He said he would help to fight against their enemies.
Tom and their enemies went to Pearl's kingdom. Pearl came back sitting on the dragon's back. The king and queen were so proud of her. While fighting Tom and his maximum armies were dead. Everyone ran away while fighting. Only the dragon, princess and chief army were fighting. They won that battle as the dragon burned most of the enemies. She was so proud of the dragon and that chief army. She thanked the dragon a lot. Because of her, they won that battle. The king and queen were also impressed by the chief army. He was continuously fighting that battle. King said, for saving our kingdom what do you want in return? He said I don't want any gold or castle in return. Princess was so brave and kind. I want a life partner like her. I want to marry her. Princess smiled and said it will be my honor to marry you cause you fought against all when every other army ran away. I also want a brave husband like you. King was happy to know that there would be someone who would look up to the kingdom after he died. After that, they got married. Princess promised Dragon that she would always be there for her. After that dragon went back to her cave and grew flowers all over that cave which was given by Pearl.
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